The major concern of the department is to protect life, health and dignity of individuals.

This department is responsible for:

  1. Monitoring, analysis and reporting on humanitarian response and developments, disaster relief/management programmes or emergency situations
  2. Promotion of respect for human rights and development of a culture of human rights in the Benaadir
  3. Leading or participating in large, complex projects, to include disaster assessment or other missions; coordination of international humanitarian/emergency assistance fin the cases of complex emergency/disaster situations;
  4. To promote gender equality and equity generally and to coordinate and facilitate gender mainstreaming in national development;

Other proposed functions:

Monitoring analyzing and reports on humanitarian response and developments, disaster relief/management programmes or emergency situations

  • To promote respect for human rights and develop a culture of human rights in the Benaadir
  • Leads and/or participates in large, complex projects, to include disaster assessment or other missions; coordinates international humanitarian/emergency assistance for complex emergency/disaster situations;
  • To promote gender equality and equity generally and to coordinate and facilitate gender mainstreaming in national development;
  • To promote the protection, and observance of human rights in public and private institutions;
  • To monitor, investigate and report on the observance of human rights in all spheres of life in Benaadir Region
  • To receive and investigate complaints about alleged abuses of human rights and take steps to secure appropriate redress where human rights have been violated


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