The major responsibility of this department is:

  • Planning
  • Directing and
  • Effectively managing the financial, procurement, human resource and the administrative functions of Benaadir region.

The department is responsible for monitoring and supervision of the day-to-day activities of administration and finance issues with regards to management of the revenue sources of the region.

Other Functions include:

  1. a) Supervision and implementation of the Administration and Finance Issues
  2. b) Supervision of the revenues and their collection
  3. c) Development of revenue sources
  4. d) Monitoring the implementation of the work plans of the departmental units.
  5. e) Regularly update cash flow forecasts to ensure local funds are available to meet the

requirements of ongoing and upcoming projects, maintaining local balances within limits.

  1. f) On a monthly basis prepare reports for monitoring of the implementation of the budget.
  2. g) Oversee the preparation of quarterly or periodic finance and cost sharing (matching funds)

reports to government agencies, donors, NGOS and others.

  1. h) In cooperation with the Executive Committee, prepare next year’s budget of the local


  1. i) Elaboration of the Financial Accounts for submission to the mayor and external audit.
  2. j) Regularly update cash flow forecasts to ensure local funds are available to meet the

requirements of ongoing and upcoming projects, maintaining local balances within limits.

  1. k) On a monthly basis prepare reports for monitoring of the implementation of the budget.
  2. l) Oversee the preparation of quarterly or periodic finance and cost sharing (matching funds)

reports to government agencies, donors, NGOS and others.


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Aqalka Dowladda Hoose  Xamarweyne  Mogadishu, Somalia

Saturday – Thursday: 8:00 am – 4:00 pm Friday: Closed

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